On 29 August 1859, a forty-six year old Richard Wagner, already quite famous, arrives for the first time in Venice. He seeks inspiration, tranquility and absolute isolation. He stayed for seven months between the Danieli, a place that can boast a very long series of great names in the German musical world and beyond (Balzac, Debussy, Sand but also Goethe, Mary Shelley and many others), and Palazzo Giustinian, from which it seems to have listened to the singing of the gondoliers to inspire the composition of the opera "Tristan and Isolde" (opera which was performed for the first time in 1865).
If the composer Richard Wagner was an absolute and indisputable talent, man is a character to be discovered.
Very fond of the city, its landscapes, the Lavena coffee where he was served several times, it is said that he even appointed his trusted gondolier, a certain Luigi Trevisan, known as “Ganasetta”, who served him exclusively.
To tell about this man in all his aspects, in particular in his personal relationship with the city of Venice, it is possible to visit (by reservation) a section of Ca 'Vendramin Calergi (Casino of Venice) dedicated to the composer, the Wagnerian Halls.
It was in that building that Wagner spent the last period of his life, from 1882 to February 13, 1883, when he died of a heart attack at the age of 69.
Today it is possible to admire one of the largest collections of authentic objects that describe the professional value of the illustrious composer but also his incredible personality.
In the same building, on the facade overlooking the Grand Canal, the poet, Gabriele D'Annunzio, wrote some verses in his memory: In this palagio / the last spire of Riccardo Wagner / they hear souls perpetuating themselves like the tide / marbles.